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We share a common ambition to act for a responsible and sustainable supply chain

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We share a common ambition to act for a responsible and sustainable supply chain

We share a common ambition to act for a responsible and sustainable supply chain.

Today, over 600 million Euro pallets circulate around the world. But with a loss rate of 10 to 15% – the result of operating in silos and a lack of communication between Supply Chain professionals – this represents a real disaster in economic and environmental terms.

Opalean is a collaborative platform dedicated to the management and relocation of pallets, to increase their turnover rate and extend their life cycle. So we contribute to increase the quantity and quality of available recycled wooden pallets – so that the logistics professionals don’t just reuse … but recycle more and better !

By recycling more and better, we preserve our planet, because we act together to strengthen the circular economy of packaging.

Our mission

The entire supply chain uses Euro pallet : from the supplier, to the carrier, to the customer, to the distributor and the pallet reconditioner. As an essential link in the exchange of goods between the supply chain professionals and it contributes directly to improved productivity of logistics operations.

But in case of miscommunication between the different partners, its management can become problematic and degrade relationships.

That’s why, by facilitating cooperation between them we pursue a common goal : modify the uses related to pallet exchanges, to simplify their management and optimize recycling.

Our vision

We wish to promote the wood pallet industry, and act for a more sustainable supply chain, because we believe that we have a special responsibility. 

Our approach comprises 3 main key points : 

  • Recovering 100% of reusable wooden pallets, to limit the purchase of new ones and preserve the natural resource.
  • Improving relationships between partners and simplify the user experience, thanks to a global and digitalized service offer.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of the supply chain, by optimizing the management of packaging reverse.

Nos objectifs

Proposer un modèle innovant et responsable pour la gestion des palettes
Développer la coopération entre tous les acteurs de la supply chain amont et aval

Restaurer la confiance entre les partenaires de l’écosystème et pacifier les relations

Modifier les usages liés à la gestion des palettes avec nos clients et partenaires, pour une supply chain plus responsable

Contribuer au bien-être
des collaborateurs
Diminuer le stress lié aux échanges de palettes avec les partenaires logistique

Simplifier les tâches et la gestion du temps, grâce à l’automatisation des saisies et le traitement des données

Accompagner l’entreprise dans la transformation digitale, grace à la formation des équipes et en favorisant la coopération entre les partenaires
Préserver la planète en renforçant l'économie circulaire des emballages
Réduire l’empreinte carbone (émissions de GES) grace à une meilleure gestion des ressources (réduction des achats de palettes neuves)

Allonger le cycle de vie des palettes Europe en optimisant le taux de rotation

Récupérer l’ensemble des palettes en circulation, pour gérer la fin de vie du support et sa valorisation énergétique

Collaborative platform and ecosystem


We work hand in hand with a network of national and European partners, to develop and implement solutions that improve relocation and the reuse of wooden pallets and that extend their life cycle.

Our supply chain approach is no longer linear!
We intervene in support of our customers but also on their entire logistics ecosystem. From supplier to final consignee, through the carrier, without forgetting the pallet reconditioners, the entire chain benefits from productivity gains but also of a better management of the packaging reverse. 

Our approach is based on three pillars : meet the challenges of circularity and innovation; coordination and networking of the logistics actors thanks to the platform; communication and awareness-raising to promote best practices.


Make a CSR asset of your pallet management

more about it
Our team is at your disposal to present all our solutions

A more responsible management
Facts and Figures

Rotations palette
28 rotations in 8 years
An important component of the circular economy is to make products last as long as possible in order to reduce the need for raw materials. This applies particularly to Euro pallets !

Most of them end up in the recycling loop : on average for a lifecycle of 8 years, the Euro pallet makes 28 rotations.

But, with an end-to-end management they could be more recycled, and we are working for that every day!
445,000 tonnes of CO2 stored
The wood pallet is eco-designed and sustainable.
It is a reusable and re-usable product, made of a renewed material and valued at the end of life.

The use of wood in its manufacture enables carbon to be stored throughout their life cycle.

Thanks to the support of its customers and partners, Opalean participates in the storage of 445,000 tonnes of CO2, through the management of 10 million pallets per year on the collaborative platform.
management time -20 to 30%
With the evolution of working methods, the need for technological equipment and connected tools, it is necessary to think the digital experience according to the uses of the employees.

The old paper processes are replaced by simpler, more reliable and productive computer data.

For the main user of the solution, the number of hours allocated to pallet management is reduced by 20 to 30%.

Award and Commitment

Label Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Juin 2021

Solar Impulse

Award in June 2021
Innovative, responsible and cost-effective solution with a positive impact on the environment


Responsible Economy Trophies

Winner 2020
GOLD trophy and special mention of the jury
Economy of Functionality and Cooperation



Since 2020
Partnership in various actions for the safeguard of forests

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